Case-based clinical ethics education

Ethical Dilemmas in Medical TRAINING II

Pharma Faculty, Being a Bystander, Nonconsensual Exams

Pharma Faculty

Read this article about an ethical quandry at Harvard Medical School:

Discussing the pros versus the cons with having faculty affiliated with the pharmaceutical industry.

Being a Bystander

Here’s an opinion piece by Danielle Ofri on the dilemma faced by bystander physicians passing a sleeping vs drugged person on the streets

Nonconsensual Exams Under Anesthesia

In this episode of This American Life, the final few minutes are about the practice of medical students performing gynecologic exams on unconscious women (under anesthesia) without their consent, and what one researcher found about this practice:


Wilson, D. (2009, March 2). Harvard Medical School in Ethical Quandry. Retrieved from

Ofri, D. (2018, July 10). A Doctor’s Responsibility. The New York Times. Retrieved from

This American Life. (2018, November 9). But That’s What Happened. Retrieved from